
Since 1897, Cyriel Tanghe has set the tone in the Belgian shoe and fashion world.

Just as the mural in Izegem still proudly adorns the old factory wall, professional pride and craftsmanship remain the foundations of Tanghe shoes to this day.

Also now for the fifth generation Maxime Tanghe

Go down

From generation
to generation,
fine shoes for you
to enjoy.

1897, Cyriel Tanghe establishes shoe factory C. Tanghe & Fils, with the brand la Chimère, he works his way up to administrator of the National Grouping of Shoe Manufacturers of Belgium.

1914, switch to mechanical production. "La Chaussure d'Iseghem" is an international quality brand that guarantees luxury and refined craftsmanship.

1922, Raphaël and Gerard the sons of Cyriel Tanghe take over the management of the shoe factory. The Tanghe factory employed 275 people.

1950, Roland Tanghe joins the management board of the women's shoe factory. He establishes a second children's shoes factory in Izegem where 100 people were employed.

1970, due to an overheated vacuum cleaner, the Tanghe factory completely went up in flames. It was then decided to move production to Italy.

1984, OlivierTanghe continues to expand the family business in Benelux and France.

2017, Maxime Tanghe markets his own men's shoes under the Maxime Tanghe brand.

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Traces in the museum "Eperon d'or" at Izegem

The family history is included in the heritage of the shoe town. Just like in the DNA of *Mt.

Discover the roots of the Tanghe family in city museum Eperon d'or or stroll along the "Cyriel Tangheplein" in the heart of Izegem, a tribute named after the founder of the company C.Tanghe & Fils.

Epron dor
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